Building Trust | Real Estate & CRM Confidence

Building Trust | Real Estate & CRM Confidence

With all the nonsense and misinformation out there, building trust within the real estate business is more important than ever before. However, building trust can be an involved process.

All right, I already know what you’re thinking. Who has the time?

  1. It’s true. Building trust takes considerable time and effort. However, it’s such gravity which makes building trust even more vital to your success. After all, the ability to cultivate relationships with potential buyers is an agent’s bread-and-butter.

Of course, in today’s day-in-age, technology is king.
Real Estate & CRM Confidence
It’s no secret. Tides have been shifting in the industry for quite some time.

In a 2016-17 Buyer and Seller Profile, the National Association of REALTORS® (NAR) reports, “In 1981, 22 percent of home buyers read newspaper ads to find a home, and eight percent used friends as an information source. In 2016, 44 percent looked for properties online first.”

Not to mention, the same report states, “Only 5% of firms do not have a website, compared to 93% who do have a website.”

So, it stands to reason, those who use tech to their advantage will get in front of a larger audience. More exposure equals more sales, right? Yes— and no. It doesn’t matter if you’re a global brand. If there’s no trust, then there’s no relationship.

I’m not saying getting in front of a wider audience isn’t a critical factor. Instead, getting in front of a broader audience in and of itself is not enough.

First and foremost, you must develop a level of trust with your clients.

Trust is the Foundation

Trust is the cornerstone to any productive relationship, and it’s no different in real estate. You might even say a higher degree of trust is required in real estate than in other fields. For crying out loud, your clients aren’t exactly buying a dinnerware set!

Are you wondering how you can develop trust in the digital age?

Consider this:

94% of NAR members preferred email over all other means of communication.

So, how can you stand out and instill trust at the same time?

Incorporating regular, personalized video emails to each customer on your contact list is a smart way to develop trust as a 21st-century real estate agent. Tailoring your content for individuals based on recorded information is critical. By including easily collected data, such as name, hometown, or housing-preference, you can foster a feeling of being valued and appreciated by your clientele. In other words, you can nurture your clients with video to grow your business .

Nevertheless, implementing a personalized video email campaign requires a few things.

For starters, an easy-to-use CRM makes all the difference.

Even more so, it’s essential your CRM has a personalized video feature. For instance, iMaxCRM makes things simple. Not only does iMaxCRM allow users to implement the latest video marketing techniques seamlessly, but it’s also a one-stop-shop for all things related to Customer Relationship Management.

What’s nice is this built-in feature of iMaxCRM lets you to record personalized videos to send right to your buyer—- with no additional software to buy. With this program offering a 14-day Free Trial, it's an excellent choice for anything marketing in real estate.

Trust me on this one. You want a program that can perform.

Of course, you’re welcome to try any combination of CRM and personalized video email programs you’d like. I prefer to knock everything out in one fell swoop. But, that’s just me.

In any event...

Do you want to learn more about personalized video emails?

Hop on over to the BLOG by the experts at iMaxCRM.

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